Friday, November 14, 2008

Divine Appointments

I have recently been awakened to the realness of divine appointments. Let me tell you a story. We were eating out a few weeks ago and a lady came up to us and was almost crying. She was so excited to see Americans. She is living in an orphanage and she's here by herself. I can't imagine. We gave her our number and she called us and was planning to come for dinner. She ended up not being able to make it but we didnt' have her number to call her. So we meet this guy from the military base who has her number so it gives it to us. IT"S A SMALL WORLD AFTER ALL... so anyway, we haven't been able to get in touch with her since but we've really been thinking about her. She was only here a month and she was about ready to go home. We told her that it gets easier and that she just needs to hang on. Trust that God wants her here. After all, that's what we did. So today Sasha and Jenny and i took a little mini vacation to this hotel that had a pool. We paid a small fee to use it and Jeanne ended up being there. Weird? No. Divine Appointment. We ended up talking for hours... when I say hours.. i mean HOURS. About God and what's he has done in her life, why she's here, why we're here, and it was a common mutual love in Christ, right there next to a pool. God is so good. Sometimes in works in mysterious ways. She thinks she'll be able to make it through the next 5 months if she has people she can talk to. We plan to be those people for her.
Hope you have a wonderful Sabbath!


TaraB said...

Kan...I am so proud of you. God is SO good. Sometimes I am just amazed at the things He works out for us, without us even realizing it.

Keep furthering Christs kingdom Kan. I see Jesus in you.

Kristopher Loewen said...

good job kran; i'm proud of you!

Unknown said...

Hey Kandice,
your story brought tears to my eyes, thank you for sharing it. I cannot even imagine going somewhere all alone. Praise God you all are there to give her friendship and understanding.


KB said...

Wow! awesome story, Kandice. God is working in your life, in Honduras, and in others lives through you. Thank you for sharing that story. It reminds me to always let God lead me to where he can use me today.

I continue to pray for you Kandice. Thank you for your day of prayer. I believe strongly in intercessory prayer.

Love you,